Monday May 27, 2024

Flow: Art & Awareness | Marlies Wolf & Jake Haber

Check out our interview with special guest Marlies Wolf, whose unique journey has led her from a mysterious illness to spirituality and meditation, and finally, to starting her own business teaching art as a mindfulness practice! 


Be sure to listen to the end for a profound guided meditation on awakening the creative spirit in us all!




Vincent Van Gogh: 

“Paintings have a life of their own that originates in the painter’s soul.”


Eckhart Tolle:

“It’s vital for every human being to contact that place within, where intuition arises, because otherwise you are confined to the limitations of your conceptual mind.”


Deepak Chopra: 

“Life is a river that continues to flow. You can’t step into it in the same place twice. Ever changing, existence is always new.”


Rob Walker:

“It’s all about taking in as much of what’s out there as you can. Attention is vitality. It’s the difference between looking and seeing, between hearing and listening, between accepting what the world presents and noticing what matters to you."

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