Monday Jun 03, 2024

Practicing Presence | Jake Haber

As we head into the Summer months, Jake encourages us to step outside of our comfort zone & press into our spiritual practices! 




Neale Donald Walsch:

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"



"Pertaining to action, as opposed to theoretical (theoretikos)"


Brother Lawrence: 

“That when he had thus in prayer filled his mind with great sentiments of that infinite Being, he went to his work appointed in the kitchen…he spent all the intervals of his time, as well before as after his work, in prayer….We can do little things for God; I turn the cake that is frying on the pan for love of Him…. It is enough for me to pick up but a straw from the ground for the love of God.”


Stanislav Grof:

“The potential for a mystical experience is the natural birthright of all human beings”


Wei Wu Wei:

“conscious non action, the deliberate and principled decision to do nothing for a reason” 


Neale Donald Walsch:

“Emotion is energy in motion. When you move energy, you create effect….It is the alchemy of the universe. It is the secret of all life.”


Ram Dass:

"What about all these things like joining ashrams, or going into systems or joining temples or..spiritual clubs, or going on retreats? All of it has its function, but the only way you know that it’s what you need is because your heart tells you. It pulls you toward it. Take what teachings you’re able to get and you need and go on. Don’t get hung up. I don’t feel any loyalty to any teacher I’ve had other than to become as conscious as I possibly can in order to alleviate human suffering… because there’s nothing else to do. And when I get all done, nothing happened at all anyway." 



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