Sunday Mar 03, 2024

THRIVAL (Part 1) | Jake Haber

What if we could do more than just survive? What if we could thrive? Throughout this series, we'll be looking at the various aspects of life where we can experience "thrival".

For today's episode, we look at our current cultural moment, asking why we have so many of our needs met, yet often remain unfulfilled. Is there more to life than just making it through? 




John 10:10

“I came to give life with joy and abundance”


Ken Wilber:

“The movement of descent and discovery begins at the moment you consciously become dissatisfied with life.... A person who is beginning to sense the suffering of life is, at the same time, beginning to awaken to deeper realities, truer realities. For suffering smashes to pieces the complacency of our normal fictions about reality, and forces us to become alive in a special sense—to see carefully, to feel deeply, to touch ourselves and our worlds in ways we have heretofore avoided. It has been said, and truly I think, that suffering is the first grace. In a special sense, suffering is almost a time of rejoicing, for it marks the birth of creative insight.”


Baal Shem Tov: 

“Let me fall, if I must fall. The one I will become will catch me.”


Carl Jung:

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”


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