Monday Apr 15, 2024

THRIVAL (Part 7): No Bad Parts | Jake Haber

Add another tool to your thrival toolkit as we explore "parts work" such as Internal Family Systems, a form of therapy and introspection that sees the inner self as a diverse collection of "parts".


*IFS Intro for Kids video by Kenny Dennis




Ralph De La Rosa:

“We are not one-dimensional, and our multiple dimensions are not static. Just as our bodies are made of many parts that form a dynamic, interwoven system that works together, so it is with our psyches. We are more awake, alive, and complex than we know.”


Richard Schwartz:

“When you were young and experienced traumas or attachment injuries, you didn’t have enough body or mind to protect yourself. Your Self couldn’t protect your parts, so your parts lost trust in your Self as the inner leader. They may even have pushed your Self out of your body and took the hit themselves—they believed they had to take over and protect you and your other parts. But in trying to handle the emergency, they got stuck in that parentified place and carry intense burdens of responsibility and fear, like a parentified child in a family….Your protectors’ goals for your life revolve around keeping you away from all that pain, shame, loneliness, and fear, and they use a wide array of tools to meet those goals—achievements, substances, food, entertainment, shopping, sex, obsession with your appearance, caretaking, meditation, money, and so on.”


Sigmund Freud:

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”


Gareth Gwyn:

"Our triggers become welcomed signs that we have rejected something inside us."


Richard Schwartz:

“The goal of IFS is not to eliminate parts, but to get them to work together in harmony. This leads to a greater sense of wholeness and integration.”


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